Integration Solutions
With a vision towards enterprise wide integration, we aim to provide an integrated suite of quality products and services to meet the varied requirements of our clients, our services can be scaled up from basic resource to full-managed services and products:
- Consultancy Services
- Systems Design, Integration and Implementation
- Software and Hardware Technical Support
- Out-Sourcing Services
- Infrastructure and Hardware Supply
- Project Management
In the IT field, we consider ourselves as Solution Provider and Systems Integrator based on many hardware/software platforms, where we apply latest standards and techniques to implement open systems solutions based on Client/Server architecture. We use in our front-end development tools like Oracle Tools, VC++, and Visual Basic. While in the back-end we implement our solutions based on Relational Databases such as Oracle and SQL Server.
Latest Projects
Insatling of the cmoplate solar system and infrastructur.

Supply and install and design all the metal works.

Several additional exchanges have been added in several different regions, such as (Beheira Governorate – Alexandria and several different areas in Cairo)